Saturday, December 3, 2011

Relieve headaches

Many people feel that their head is about to break and looking for ways to relieve the headache that's torturing them. Remember that the headache is easy to deal if you pinpoint what causes it!

The main factors that caused headaches are:

About 80% of the migraine cause is stress, according to scientific studies.

Many women complain that they have headaches during the period of pregnancy and menopause. This is due to the drop in estrogen.

The weather changes
By the time the weather changes are more frequent migraines due to the change in barometric pressure.

Lack of sleep
Low levels sorotoninis activate the main nerve that is responsible for migraine

Some "heavy" odor
The nerve that connects the nose when it detects bad odors (cologne, cleaning, etc.), can release substances that cause headaches

The disturbing light
Depends on the person and how sensitive it is to light. Others have sensitivity to sunlight, other computers and others in fluorescent lights.

Wrong eating habits
The reduced water consumption and omissions meals during the day can cause headaches

To deal with the headaches and to relieve the annoying pain you can take a proper and balanced diet and exercise. Alternative therapies are meditation, yoga and massage that will help you relax.

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