Saturday, December 3, 2011

«Sleep texting» phenomenon attributed to excessive stress

What we know today was that while sleeping it was very likely to be sleepwalking or even talking in our sleep. But now scientists are talking about another different habit that appears to be, they claim, attributed to stress that we have during the day.

This new phenomenon called «sleep texting» or more simply typing a message while we sleep. People suffering from this syndrome are sending messages to friends and colleagues while they sleep without realizing anything.

According to sleep specialist Dr. David Kaningkton from the Sleep Disorders Center of Melbourne in Australia, many patients say they have experienced such surreal moments in their sleep during which sent incoherent messages to friends and relatives.

According to him, in order to avoid this, you must not take the phone with us in the bedroom.

The phenomenon of «sleep texting» had not been studied so far from specialists. On the other hand, the phenomenon of email composition during sleep was studied in 2008.

Researchers from the University of Toledo in Spain have identified a woman aged 44 years, wrote email during sleep and when she woke up not remembering anything.

Dr. Kaningkton believes that sending email during sleep are more common and may have arnitikoteres impact on the lives of the senders.

"The email they might reach colleagues and have very serious implications for their professional lives. Instead, the sms can easily be sent by mistake to a friend or relatives, so the problem is less, "says Dr. Kaningkton.
The Australian scientist attributes the phenomenon to excessive stress experienced by some people even in their sleep because of excessive responsibilities they have undertaken in their lives.

"These people make so much during the day to feel out the" task "them even during their sleep" he said. And said: "If you have the phone on the nightstand, then it will be harder to resist replying to a message, or a last check of our profile on Facebook».

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